Abbiati & Fabbri srl - Stampaggio Materie Plastiche


Abbiati & Fabbri is a well - known Italian company with almost 80 years experience in the manufacturing of plastic containers for make-up. The keywords are originality and innovation. Important recognition has been obtained in Italy and abroad. For Abbiati & Fabbri it is important that a beauty product has a container which is both pleasant to look and touch and is functional at the same time.
Via Enrico Fermi, - Merate (LC)

Questa scheda risulta collegata a Abbiati & Fabbri srl - Stampaggio Materie Plastiche con sede in Via Enrico Fermi, nel comune di Merate in provincia di Lecco (LC).

Abbiati & Fabbri srl - Stampaggio Materie Plastiche al momento compare nella categoria Produzione materie plastiche

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