Asset Water Technology
Asset is a truly innovative brand founded on more than twenty years of professional experience in the water dispensers field.
Today, thanks to such know-how, Asset has become the water dispenser market leader in Italy. Such outstanding success has given us the confidence to enter the global marketplace with pride, ready to go head to head with the biggest names in the sector. Asset’s mission is to create market innovation by meeting demands through the use of leading-edge technologies.
With an installed base of over 120.000 dispensers across fifteen countries and three continents and a production capacity of over thirty thousand units
ASSET has become a global player in the water dispenser market. BRITA ITALIA MANUFACTURING S.R.L. product portfolio can cover all market segments (Domestic, Office & Ho.Re.Ca) and gives you the possibility to customize your individual and exclusive water dispenser.
- Altare (SV)
Questa scheda risulta collegata a Asset Water Technology con sede in nel comune di Altare in provincia di Savona (SV).
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