Dimitri Women Collection
Since 2007, DIMITRI has been a synonym for precision, refined cuts and subtle sensuality. Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos, the creative mind behind the brand, designs for women who are self-confident and cosmopolitan with a clear sense of individual style and who enjoy showcasing their femininity. By declaring quality as the overall brand credo, each design benefits from a profound knowledge of craftsmanship. This includes everything from cuts and finishing to the selection of fabrics. So, every season a well-defined mix of materials – whether silk, cashmere, chiffon, crêpe de chine or fine lace – combined with accurate tailoring and elaborate draping create looks of timeless elegance with a twist and a focus on a slim female silhouette.
Piazza della Rena, 2 - Merano (BZ)
Questa scheda risulta collegata a Dimitri Women Collection con sede in Piazza della Rena, 2 nel comune di Merano in provincia di Bolzano (BZ).
Dimitri Women Collection al momento compare nella categoria Alberghi
Vuoi saperne di più su Dimitri Women Collection di Merano
Per maggiori informazioni su questa attività visita il sito ufficiale all'indirizzo internet: http://www.bydimitri.com