So. Ge. S. I. srl
Hello, my name is David and I live on a small farm in central Austalia. I haven't always lived on a farm. For many years, I lived and worked in Brisbane and had a conventional life. However, when I turned 50, I realised that I needed to make a change so I decided to quit my job and move out to the countryside. I wasn't sure what to expect. I had some vague ideas of working the land and tending to crops. Thankfully, my neighbours were very supportive and taught me everything I needed to know. I decided to start this blog to help others.
Via Pietro Filonzi, - Ancona (AN)
Questa scheda risulta collegata a So. Ge. S. I. srl con sede in Via Pietro Filonzi, nel comune di Ancona in provincia di Ancona (AN).
So. Ge. S. I. srl al momento compare nella categoria Associazioni sindacali e di categoria
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